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Established in 1997 through a merger between the United Nations Drug Control Programme and the Centre for International Crime Prevention, UNODC operates in every corner of the world with its extensive network of offices and research facilities. UNODC offers highly specialised debate for beginner delegates looking for a challenge as they familiarise themselves about MUN. Unlike other beginner committees, it offers a dynamic mixture of different MUN debate styles, from the aggression of UNSC to the neutral diplomacy of WHO, making it one of the most unique committees in the MUN circuit.


Agenda 1: Responding to the rise of new psychoactive substances

The “designer drug” (now referred to as new psychoactive substances or NPS) phenomenon started decades ago with the development and production of drugs that mimic the effects of controlled drugs (such as amphetamines, cocaine, cannabis and heroin) but avoid legislation based on different chemical structures. Recent advances in drug production have served to rapidly reduce the difficulties surrounding the development and distribution of NPS and catalyse the growth of their markets worldwide. It is now the responsibility of the delegates of the UNODC to circumvent the impending NPS boom that threatens global health and international legal frameworks.


Agenda 2: The Question of Firearms Trafficking

The illicit trade in small arms and light weapons occurs in all parts of the globe but is concentrated in areas afflicted by armed conflict, violence, and organized crime, where the demand for illicit weapons is often highest. Arms trafficking fuels civil wars and regional conflicts; stocks the arsenals of terrorists, drug cartels, and other armed groups; and contributes to violent crime and the proliferation of sensitive technology. With arms trafficking fuelling the explosive growth of transnational organised crime (TOC), the UNODC stands steadfastly committed to cracking down on global arms trafficking routes. The clock is ticking as the world sees new freak terrorist attacks every day- it is up to the delegates of UNODC to arrive at a resolution to this problem, and fast.

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